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Journal of Literature and Art Studies

Journal of Literature and Art Studies

ISSN: 2159-5836(print) 2159-5844(online)
Frequency: monthly
Volume 14, Number 12, December 2024 (Serial Number 157)
Manuscript Submission Guideline 
Journal of Literature and Art Studies (ISSN 2159-5836) encourages the submission of articles about the latest research in aesthetics, literature studies, feminism, poetics, modernism, realism, didacticism, classicism, skepticism, euro-skepticism, religions skepticism, moral skepticism, religious mysticism, ancient myth, mythology, moral education, action art, musicology, art history and theory, painting and calligraphy art, artistic designs, arts & sports education, arts technology, music pedagogy, performing arts, drama and aesthetics, film and television, opera and drama, animation, sculpture, ceramics, arts and crafts, Photography, culture study, folklore, fine art, environmental art, theatre and dance, anthropology, caricatures, as well as narratology in the field. 
Submissions are accepted with the understanding that they will be subject to review and editorial revision and that they neither have been nor will be published elsewhere. 
Information for authors 
The entire manuscript should include title, abstract (150-200 words), key words (3-8 words) biography, body, references, appendices, footnotes, tables, exhibits, maps, figures, and so on. 
(1) The manuscript should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal. 
(2) Manuscripts may be 3000-8000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. All of these must be written in APA format. The title should not be exceeding 15 words, and abstract should not be exceeding 400 words. 3-8 keywords or key phrases are required. 
(3) The manuscript should be in MS WORD format in English version, submitted as an email attachment to our email address. 
(4) Authors of the articles being accepted are required to sign the Transfer of Copyright Agreement form. 

(5) Authors will receive one or two copies of the issue of the journal containing their articles. 

(6) Author needs to pay publication fee (US$60 per page) to have his/her paper published in our journal, the fee is US$60 per page, but the final fee depends on reviewer's report.

Full Name:  
Academic title: such as Professor, Associate professor, Lecturer … 
Research field: 
Post address: 
When referring to another work, give the author's name and year of publication in parentheses and without punctuation, unless page numbers are included. References are placed before marks of punctuation when possible. (Smith, 2001), (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000), (Stewart et al., 2004), (Mason, 1998; Neuhauser, 2002), (Thomas, 1997, 1989b), (Jones, 1998: 69), Jones (2002) states . . . 

If you have the idea of making our journal as a vehicle for your research interests, please send WORD version of your manuscripts (papers or books) through e-mails ([email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]), submission system ( We appreciate your support.

We also seek researchers who are interested in becoming our editorial boards or reviewers, if you have a willing to join us, please feel free to send us English version of your latest CV via email attachment.

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