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Journalism and Mass Communication

Journalism and Mass Communication

ISSN: 2160-6579
Frequency: bimonthly
Volume 15, Number 1, Jan.-Feb. 2025 (Serial Number 104)
Journalism and Mass Communication, ISSN 2160-6579, USA 
Author Guidelines 
 Journalism and Mass Communication, a professional academic journal, commits itself to 
promoting the academic communication about recent developments on Journalism and Mass 
Communication, covers all sorts of research on journalism, radio and television journalism, new 
media, news ethics and regulations, the integration of media and culture and other relevant areas 
and tries to provide a platform for experts and scholars worldwide to exchange their latest 
[email protected]; [email protected] – for all general enquiries. 
Submission of Manuscript 
 The manuscript should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit 
material that is currently being considered by another journal. The manuscript should be submitted 
as an email attachment to our email address: [email protected]
Review Procedure and Editorial Policy 
 Journalism and Mass Communication is a refereed journal. All research articles in this journal 
undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at 
least two anonymous referees. 
Some Requirements 
 1. The manuscript should be in MS Word format. 
 2. The manuscript should be written in APA Style, you rarely use the first person point of view 
(I studied ...). First person is not often found in APA publications unless the writer is a senior 
scholar who has earned some credibility to speak as an expert in the field. You should use the third 
person point of view (The study showed ...) unless you are co-authoring a paper with at least one 
other person, in which case you can use ―we‖ (Our finding included ...). In general, you should 
foreground the research and not the researchers. 
 However, it is a common misconception that foregrounding the research requires using the 
passive voice (Experiments have been conducted ...). This is inaccurate. APA Style encourages 
using the active voice (We conducted an experiment ...). The active voice is particularly 
important in experimental reports, where the subject performing the action should be clearly 
identified (e.g., We interviewed ... vs. The participants responded ...). 
 3. The title should be on page 1 and not exceed 15 words, and should be followed by an 
abstract of 100-200 words. 3-5 keywords are required. 
 4. Manuscripts may be 3000-12000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an 
abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. 
5. We will charge some fee if the paper is published in our journal. 
 Footnotes and Endnotes 
APA does not recommend the use of footnotes and endnotes because they are often expensive 
for publishers to reproduce. However, if explanatory notes still prove necessary to your document, 
APA details the use of two types of footnotes: content and copyright. 
When using either type of footnote, insert a number formatted in superscript following almost 
any punctuation mark. Footnote numbers should not follow dashes ( — ), and if they appear in a 
sentence in parentheses, the footnote number should be inserted within the parentheses. E.g., 
Scientists examined—over several years1—the fossilized remains of the wooly-wooly yak.2 
(These have now been transferred to the Chauan Museum.3) 
When using the footnote function in a word-processing program like Microsoft Word, place all 
footnotes at the bottom of the page on which they appear. Footnotes may also appear on the final 
page of your document (usually this is after the References page). Center the word ―Footnotes‖ at 
the top of the page. Indent five spaces on the first line of each footnote. Then, follow normal 
paragraph spacing rules. 
Content Notes: Content Notes provide supplemental information to your readers. When providing 
Content Notes, be brief and focus on only one subject. Try to limit your comments to one small 
paragraph. Content Notes can also point readers to information that is available in more detail 
Copyright Permission Notes: If you quote more than 500 words of published material or think 
you may be in violation of ―Fair Use‖ copyright laws, you must get the formal permission of the 
author(s). All other sources simply appear in the reference list. Follow the same formatting rules 
as with Content Notes for noting copyright permissions. Then attach a copy of the permission 
letter to the document. 
If you are reproducing a graphic, chart, or table, from some other source, you must provide a 
special note at the bottom of the item that includes copyright information. You should also submit 
written permission along with your work. Begin the citation with ―Note.‖ E.g., 
Note. From ―Title of the article,‖ by W. Jones and R. Smith, 2007, Journal Title, 21, p. 122. 
Copyright 2007 by Copyright Holder. Reprinted with permission. 
All non-standard abbreviations must first appear in parentheses following their meaning written 
in full at first mention in the Abstract, main text and each table and figure legend. Subsequently, 
only abbreviations can be used. 
 While the method of examination for the wooly-wooly yak provides important insights to this research, this 
document does not focus on this particular species. 
2 See Blackmur (1995), especially chapters three and four, for an insightful analysis of this extraordinary animal. 
1 References 
1. Your reference list should appear at the end of your paper. It provides the information 
necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each 
source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the 
reference list must be cited in your text. 
2. References centered at the top of the page (do NOT bold, underline, or use quotation marks 
for the title). All text should be double-spaced just like the rest of your essay. 
3. All lines after the first line of each entry in your reference list should be indented one-half 
inch from the left margin. This is called hanging indentation. 
4. Authors' names are inverted (last name first); give the last name and initials for all authors of 
a particular work for up to and including seven authors. If the work has more than seven authors, 
list the first six authors and then use ellipses after the sixth author's name. After the ellipses, list 
the last author’s name of the work. 
5. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each 
6. If you have more than one article by the same author, single-author references or 
multiple-author references with the exact same authors in the exact same order are listed in order 
by the year of publication, starting with the earliest. 
7. When referring to any work that is NOT a journal, such as a book, article, or Web page, 
capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or 
a dash in the title, and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the first letter of the second word in a 
hyphenated compound word. 
8. Capitalize all major words in journal titles. 
9. Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals. 
10. Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as journal 
articles or essays in edited collections. 
In References List: 
Akhavan-Majid, R. (1998). Role perceptions as predictors of editors’ job satisfaction. Newspaper Research 
 Journal, 19, 85-92. 
Barrett, G. (1984). Job satisfaction among newspaperwomen. Journalism Quarterly, 61(3), 593-599. 
Beam, R. (2006). Organizational goals and priorities and the job satisfaction of U.S. journalists. Journalism and 
 Mass Communication Quarterly, 83(1), 169-185. 
Bramlett-Solomon, S. (1992). Predictors of job satisfaction among black journalists. Journalism and Mass 
 Communication Quarterly, 69(3), 703-712. 
Brief, A., Butcher, A., & Roberson, L. (1995). Cookies, disposition, and job attitudes: The effects of positive 
 mood-inducing events and negative affectivity on job satisfaction in a field experiment. Organizational 
 Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 62(1), 55-62. 
Boczkowski, P. (2004). The processes of adopting multimedia and interactivity in three online newsrooms. 
 Journal of Communication, 54(2), 197-213. 
Cook, B., & Banks, S. (1993). Predictors of job burnout in reporters and copy editors. Journalism Quarterly, 70(1), 
Dahlgren, P. (2009). The troubling evolution of Journalism. In B. Zelizer (Ed.), The changing faces of journalism: 
 Tabloidization, technology and truthiness (pp. 146-161). London: Routledge. 
De Bens, E. (1983). Het profiel van de beroepsjournalist in Vlaanderen (The profile of the professional journalist 
 in Flanders). Brussel: VUB Uitgaven. 
De Bens, E. (1995). Het profiel van de Vlaamse dagbladjournalist (The profile of the Flemish newspaper 
 journalist). Communication, culture, community: Liber amicorum James Stappers (pp. 263-277). Nijmegen: 
 Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 
Defleur, M. (1992). Foundations of job satisfaction in the media industries. Journalism Educator, 47(1), 3-15. 
Deuze, M. (2002). Journalists in the Netherlands: An analysis of the people, the issues and the (inter-)national 
 environment. Amsterdam: Aksant. 
Greenberg, N., Thomas, S., Murphy, D., & Dandeker, C. (2007). Occupational stress and job satisfaction in media 
 personnel assigned to the Iraq war (2003): A qualitative study. Journalism Practice, 1(3), 356-371. 
Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. (1959). The motivation to work. New York: Wiley. 
Janson, P. (1982). Job satisfaction and age: A test of two views. Social Forces, 60(4), 1089-1102. 
Jenkins, S. (1994). Need for power and women’s careers over 14 years: Structural power, job satisfaction, and 
 motive change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66(1), 155-165. 
Johnstone, J., Slawski, E., & Bowman, W. (1976). The news people: A sociological portrait of American 
 journalists and their work. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 
Kalleberg, A. (1977). Work values and job rewards: a theory of job satisfaction. American Sociological Review, 42, 
Kelly, J. (1989). Gender, pay and job satisfaction of faculty in journalism. Journalism and Mass Communication 
 Quarterly, 66(2), 446-452. 
Levin, I., & Stokes, J. (1989). Dispositional approach to job satisfaction: Role of negative affectivity. Journal of 
 Applied Psychology, 74(5), 752-758. 
Locke, E. (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and 
 organizational psychology (pp. 1297-1349). Chicago: Rand McNally. 
Man Chan, J., Pan, Z., & Lee, F. (2004). Professional aspirations and job satisfaction: Chinese journalists at a time 
 of change in the media. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(2), 254-273. 
Meier, K. (2007). Innovations in Central European newsrooms: Overview and case study. Journalism Practice, 
 1(1), 4-19. 

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