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Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering

Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering

ISSN: 2328-2142
Frequency: bimonthly
Volume 13, Number 1, Nov.-Dec. 2024 (Serial Number 51)
  • Wei Lu (Computational Transportation Science;  Intelligent Transportation Systems;  Connected Vehicle Technology;  Traffic Demand Modeling;  Transportation Network Modeling;  Transportation Evacuation and Infrastructure Security)
  • Igor Stimac (Airport Technology, Airport Management, Airport Infrastructure, Airlines Market, Aviation Environment, Aircraft Weight and Balance (Airport and airlines are my primary area))
  • Sakib Mahmud Khan (Traffic Operation and Safety in Developing Countries, ITS)
  • Jesus Miras Araujo (Urban transport, Public utilities and infrastructures, Urban history, Port and maritime history, Business history, Industrial history, Economic history in general)
  • Daniel Olisa Iweze (road, rail and water transport systems)
  • Leonardo Herszon Meira (Transports planning and Public Policy, Traffic studies (road safety and Intelligent Transport Systems – ITS), Traffic Engineering and Urban Planning Project evaluation, Transports Economy, Transports Regulation, Traffic Simulation (advanced knowledge of Integration software))
  • Sofia – Alexia Papazafeiropoulou (Car Culture, Mobility, and History of Transportation)
  • Soskic Svetislav (Navigation, SAR (search and recue) and water traffic)
  • Daniil V. Yurchenko (ground born vibrations or automotive vibrations, railway dynamics)
  • Marko Velickovic (Supply chain management, City Logistics, Green Logistics, Reverse Logistics, Freight Forwarding)
  • Matus Sucha (a) Vulnerable road users (especially pedestrians); b) Traffic safety measures (human factors); c) Behaviour of road users; d) Drivers behaviour (risky behaviour, workload, drowsiness); e) Driving under influence of drugs)
  • Dr. Tsung-Hsien Tsai (revenue management, forecasting, and passenger choice behavior)
  • Wonchul Kim (road and traffic safety(modeling))
  • Bing Huang (Traffic Simulation Modeling, Traffic Micro-Simulation and Calibration, Traffic Safety and Operations, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Traffic Volume Forecasting, Traffic Signal Design and Evaluation, Traffic Signal Optimization, Traffic Impact Studies, Travel Demand Modeling, Transportation Planning, Transportation Multimodal Systems Analysis, Transportation Project Development, Traffic Control Devices Design, Data Collection and Data Analysis in Transportation, Data Management in Transportation Engineering, Access Management, Maintenance of Traffic (MOT), Maintenance of Traffic Alternative Analysis (MOTAA), Highway Crash Analysis, Highway Engineering, Highway Design, Computer Application in Transportation, and Statistical Modeling in Transportation)
  • Ivan Petkov (1. Pavement management systems; 2. Preventive pavement maintenance; 3. Urban transport policy and institutions; 4. Pavement design; 5. Pavement evaluation)
  • Richard Robert Mwaipungu (road building materials, construction and management, corruption in construction industry, in particular on road works)
  • Glareh Amirjamshidi (Intelligent Transportation Systems with Emphasis on Sustainable Routing, Application of Microsimulation Modelling in developing Simulated Driving Cycles, Transportation Energy/Emissions Modelling, Urban Freight Transportation and Logistics Focusing on Climate Change)
  • Jürgen Fabian (alternative and energy-efficient drive concepts, electrical battery management, electrical machines for automotive drives, e-mobility, new mobility concepts, automotive mechatronics, driveability and performance of electrical and hybrid drives)
  • B.V.Ramalingeswara Rao (Maritime transport-port and shipping management, Marine management and policy, Vessel traffic Management systems)
  • Kaveh Bakhsh Kelarestaghi (ITS (specially Connected Vehicle) and Operation Research (Network Design problem))
  • Lihui Zhang (transportation network design, road congestion pricing, signal coordination and timing optimization, network reliability analysis, environmental impact assessment)
  • Nikica Hlupic (optimization, intelligent transportation, estimation theory and statistics)
  • Feng Mu (rigid/concrete pavement engineering (modeling, design, maintenance, rehabilitation etc.))
  • Jiten H. Shah (pedestrian flow analysis, modeling of pedestrian flow and its behavioral characteristics)
  • Metin Mutlu Aydin (• Lane changing • Road surface deformations on drivers’ lane utilization • Driver lane choice and utilization behaviors • Optimization of signalized intersections • Dwell time effects of buses • Traffic Engineering and Management • Cellular automata method • Artificial Intelligent and learning • Neuro Fuzzy,
    • Intelligent Transportation Systems • Modern Roundabouts • Traffic Calming • Traffic Flow Theory • Road Safety)
  • Dr. Mehran Mazari (Transportation Geotechnics; Transportation Infrastructure Materials; Application of Soft Computing in Transportation Engineering; Pavement Engineering; Data Visualization and Big Data Analyses; Resilient Infrastructures; Mechanistic Behavior of Infrastructure Materials; Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and Evaluation (NDE) of Infrastructures; Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils; Modulus-Based Characterization of Infrastructure Materials)
  • Dr. Ömer Faruk Görçün (city logistics, traffic and transport planning in urban area, transportation costs, optimisation, logistics and supply chain management)
  • Dr. Jinhwan Jang (Intelligent Transportaton Systems)
  • Carlos Guemez Shedden (vehicle safety: Heavy vehicle safety; Student transportation safety; Motorcycle and bycicle safety; Applications of road safety technologies according to Costa Rica´s legislation; Evaluations of vehicle safety in specific regions of Costa Rica; Vehicle regulations among the world)
  • Dr. Wang Haiyan (shipping economics, transport safety management, and risk management)
  • Olayemi Funmilayo Dickson (Transport Policy Studies, Transport Management, and Sustainable Urban Transport Development)
  • Somaye Fakharian Qom (Intelligent Transportation System, Transportation modeling, Transportation operation)
  • Miao Song (ITS, Connected Vehicle Technology, crash warning system, naturalistic driving, and human factors)
  • Jian Zhang (Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Connected Vehicle Technologies, Public Transit Scheduling, Location Based Service (LBS), Big Data Application in Traffic and Transportation etc.)
  • Hemant Tiwari (Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering and Management, Sustainable Urban Transportation, Traffic flow modeling, Intersection Design, Parking management and Road and Traffic Safety)
  • Xinqiang Chen (e-transportation, big-data transportation, unmanned surface vehicle, machine learning)
  • Wei Lin (intelligent transportation systems, including cooperative traffic operation and safety, and artificial intelligence applications with transportation automation)
  • Oleksandra Molloy (Ph.D., University of New South Wales, research fields: human factors engineering, human performance, driver behaviour, young driver, education and training, human-machine interaction, aviation safety, pilots’ training, user interface design, AI, etc)

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