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Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia; Exeter University, Exeter, United Kingdom


Considering the vital role that the English language plays in contemporary society and the changing needs of institutions around the world, gaining a thorough knowledge of English can help people in a number of ways. The primary aim of this research is therefore to identify the levels of knowledge of English and attitudes towards learning English among Saudi students at the Globe English institute, Exeter, UK. To achieve this aim, a structured questionnaire is designed in order to gather related data from a sample of 30 respondents, comprising 17 male and 13 female students. This study seeks to establish the relationship between knowledge of English, attitude towards learning English, and demographic factors such as the age, gender, and major of respondents. According to the survey findings, it may be stated that there is a significant favourable relationship between knowledge of English and attitude of respondents towards learning the English language. The identified statistical results will be discussed as they pertain to the preceding literature.


knowledge, attitude, vocabulary, EFL

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