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Open Government and “e-Government” in Russia
N. S. Vinogradovа, O. A. Moiseeva
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Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky, Moscow
With the advent and widespread information and communication technologies, pace of human activity has accelerated markedly new industries, new management techniques. And in the world community, now prevalent idea of democracy with equal rights and freedoms for all citizens of a democratic state is a risk and a challenge to the integrity of a community. Against this background, it becomes important not only process control, but also a system of communication between society and the state. For effective interaction between society and the state, the government needs a new, streamlined platform for the provision of public services. This site was e-government. Currently, the concept of “open government” is implemented in the administration of the state in all developed countries. This paper deals with modern communication mechanism of the state and society in Russia, for example, “e-government”, and the effectiveness of this mechanism in the process of changing demands of society.
Political communication, mass communication, public relations, e-government, open government
Sociology Study, January 2015, Vol. 5, No. 1, 29-38
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