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Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China


This study compares the biographies of Karl Marx by Franz Mehring and David Riazanov, highlighting three key differences in their portrayal of Marx’s life and ideology. Riazanov emphasized Marx’s Jewish background, criticized Mehring’s oversimplification of Marx’s father’s conversion to Christianity, and offered a nuanced view of Marx’s engagement with Jewish issues. Contrary to Mehring’s defense of Bakunin, Riazanov acknowledged Bakunin’s revolutionary zeal but critiqued his effectiveness and responsibility in the Nechayev affair. Lastly, Riazanov provided an in-depth analysis of Marx’s later years, challenging Mehring’s limited coverage and recognizing the significance of Marx’s late works and contributions to the labor movement.


biographical research, Marxism, Riazanov, history of Marxism

Cite this paper

LIU Xunqian. (2023). Writing the Life of Karl Marx: A Comparative Study of Marx Biographies by Mehring and Riazanov. Philosophy Study, December 2023, Vol. 13, No. 12, 558-563.


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