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Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China; Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China; University of British Columbia, Canada


The development of women’s higher education in China can be divided into four stages: emergence (1908-1948); foundation (1949-1976); accelerating development (1977-2008); and the qualitative leap (2009-2020). This work considers the principal institutional mechanisms that contributed to this development. First, flexibly planned parenthood gradually promoted gender equality and openness in society facilitated by systematic “awards, grants, and loans” initiatives to support women’s higher education economically. Second, compulsory education ensured that left-out and migrant children had access to higher education. Third, effective connectivity across different education types bridged education gaps between those with different levels of education. Fourth, China made great efforts to invite and integrate international experiences that promoted the development of women’s higher education. Looking beyond these achievements, we also discuss the future trends of women’s higher education in China.


Chinese higher education, women’s higher education, educational equity, development process

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TIAN Fen, ZHENG Yaqian, Ray Taheri. A Historical Review of the Development of Women’s Higher Education in China (1908-2020): Stages, Explanations, and Trends. Sociology Study, Jan.-Feb. 2024, Vol. 14, No. 1, 39-53.


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