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Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey


The present research attempts to further the understanding of the relation between the language learner’s levels of language anxiety and learner autonomy. The study is based on quantitative data attempting to address the following questions: (1) Does learner anxiety have an impact on the autonomy of young language learners? And (2) Is there a correlation between the high, average, and low levels of learner anxiety and autonomy? The research sample was comprised of grade five (approximately 11 years old) secondary school students registered at a private secondary school. Results of the data analysis established that learner autonomy levels were significantly lower when students had a higher degree of anxiety. The relationship between lower anxiety and higher learner autonomy was discovered to be stronger than that between higher anxiety and learner autonomy. Possible inclinations relating to the language learner’s and teacher’s awareness of the relationship between anxiety and autonomy are stated.


learner autonomy, anxiety, foreign language, young learner

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