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This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of lemon juice to lower blood pressure. Twenty nine patients were included. Blood pressure measurements were done before (basal) and 5th, 15th and at 30th minute after lemon juice or equal volume of water intake. When compared with the basal values, patients who were given lemon juice had lower systolic blood pressure at 5th, 15th and 30th min. Control patients who were given water had lower systolic blood pressure at 5th and 15th, and diastolic blood pressure at 15th min. When compared with the basal values, patients who were given lemon juice had lower heart rate at 15th and 30th and control patients who were given water had decreased heart rate at 5th, 15th and 30th min. Both lemon juice and water decreased systolic blood pressure within first 15th minutes possibly due to doctor and environmental silent effect. These results do not support lemon juice intake.


Hypertension, citrus lemon, blood pressure.

Cite this paper

Özünal, Z. G., et al. 2017. “Evaluation of the Effect of Citrus Lemon L. “Enter” on Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients.” Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 5 (10): 742-745.


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