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The study, conducted in the Canton Erdé-Pala Chad, aims to i) list the different cultural practices, ii) study their impact on the vegetation and iii) determine the methods of co-management of these cultural practices. The surveys were realized on 50 households in the village and phytosociological plants in corn, millet, cotton and peanuts cultures. The data analysis by statgraphic and Excel and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that maize production (1200 kg/ha) ranked first at the expense of cotton (640 kg/ha). They negatively affect climate change (temperature increase (26%), rain drop (20%), land reclamation (18%) and flooding (12%). Surveys of vegetation on three acres cotton fields (76.17%), millet (81.06%), corn (80.32%) and groundnut (83.56%) showed that there is no significant difference (p = 0.05) on the specific contribution of wood of different types of farming practices. Adventists species herbacious like Thelepogon elegans (27.84%), Hyptis spicigera (19.31%), Teramnus labialis (15.86%) have most important contributions in specific cultures. Methods of crop treatments have a destructive impact on the environment and the loss of biodiversity and the invasion of crops by adventists. Co-management, crop rotation, association of cultures, community forest management, agroforestry and training farmers in the use of inputs will reduce the potential risks of farming practices.


Influence, cultural practices, floristic composition, soil restoration, Chad

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