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University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon


Online shopping in Cameroon is growing rapidly and gaining considerable ground. The phenomenon is relatively new as compared to the traditional brick-and-mortar store (serving customers face-to-face in a building rather than online). As the world faces digital transformations, businesses in Cameroon are seeking new ways to reach their customers and create favourable environments to effectively carryout online purchase. This study examines the factors that affect consumer online buying behaviour in Cameroon. Three theories guided this investigation: the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989), Diffusion of Innovations Theory (Rogers, 1995), and Uses and Gratifications Theory (Katz & Blumler, 1974). The study focuses on students of the University of Buea who carry out online shopping. Purposive sampling is used, and data are collected from 365 respondents through a questionnaire with open and closed ended questions. Analysis of data is done with the use of the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) Version 21 to determine the types of products consumers buy online; the degree to which consumer trust and satisfaction affect consumer loyalty; and the specific social, economic, and market factors that affect online buying behaviour. Findings indicate that: Consumers mostly buy fashion items (74.3%), electronics (44.7%), cosmetics (37.3%), and house equipment (34%) online. Consumers will repeat purchase from a marketer if they trust and are satisfied with the product and service quality (81.1%); hence, they will also encourage others to buy. If they are dissatisfied, they will not repeat purchase from the online store. Advertisement (76.1%), attractive pricing/discount (71.7%), product quality (71%), service quality (64.1%), convenience (72.3%), available income/money (49.6%), word of mouth recommendation (41.9%), and personal motivation (62.7%) constitute the major factors that affect consumer online buying behaviour. Results of the hypotheses testing show that: H1 = Consumers buy more of fashion items online (X2 = 9.950; df = 16; p = 0.869); H2 = There is a significant relationship between trust and satisfaction and consumers online buying behaviour (X2 = 270.765; df = 16; p = 0.000); and H3 = Social, economic, and market factors significantly affect consumer online buying behaviour (X2 = 106.328; df = 16; p = 0.000). The study recommends online marketers to develop their marketing strategies towards customer orientation and focus on the ease of use of their online shopping services.


online shopping, consumer buying behaviour, online trust and satisfaction, technology, Cameroon

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