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University of Patras, Patras, Greece


This essay attempts to highlight the interactive relationship between history and poetics in the formation of academic careers. The aim of this research, which utilizes the concepts of “scientific field”, “scientific capital”, “cultural capital”, and “symbolic power” from Pierre Bourdieu’s theory, is to explore faculty members’ views on the impact of their life stories on the way they teach, as well as their perceptions of the impact of the university field on their academic practice. The research data were collected using the biographical narrative interview during the years 2013-2015. The cases that constituted our sample in this research were 12 female and male faculty members of the University of Patras. We selected here interviews on the basis of processing which we analyzed by the biographical narrative analysis method. The selection of the cases was made in order to highlight the different aspects of the biographical significance of educational experiences in academic development and in the structuring of teaching practices. We also tried to highlight how the encapsulation of the educational itinerary and extra-academic work shapes the informants’ perceptions of how the academic field affects the teaching and research dimension of their role.


biographical research, biographical narrative interview, biographical narrative analysis, scientific field

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Anna Solomou. (2024). Biographical Transformations and Educational Practices of Faculty Members at the Hellenic University. US-China Education Review A, March 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3, 200-214.


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