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University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland


The purpose of this text is to examine, describe, and elaborate on contemporary attempts to incorporate nature and the environment into reflection related to the philosophy of politics. Both attempts to extend Foucault’s biopolitics and attempts to introduce competing concepts are analysed. This theme has a strong presence mainly due to the multifaceted degradation of nature and the environment, contamination, and over-extraction of natural resources in the era of climate and ecological crises. In this text, the author analyses interdisciplinary activities developed by researchers associated with very different fields, such as anthropology and art criticism, which are based on the philosophy of politics.


biopolitics, necropolitics, geontopower, geontopolitics, nature and environment, extractivism

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Maria Wodzińska. (2023). How to Inscribe Nature and the Environment Into the Philosophy of Politics? Philosophy Study, March 2023, Vol. 13, No. 3, 125-130.


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