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Mian Yang Teachers’ College, Mianyang, China


Life values are people’s understanding and view on life. After the COVID-19 outbreak, China quickly adopted policies such as lockdown to control the epidemic, while the west could not adopt. One of the important reasons is that Chinese and western life values are different. Through the comparative analysis on Chinese and western life values, it is found that Chinese traditional life values emphasize collective consciousness, while the west pays attention to individual value. Chinese traditional life values avoid death, while the west faces death directly. China emphasizes the present world, while the west pays attention to introspection. There are also similarities between Chinese and western life values. They both emphasize the realization of life values, desire to surpass life, and regard physical life as a natural process. The main reasons for their differences are different economic bases, different cultural influences, and different religious ideas. Therefore, the comparative analysis of Chinese and western life values has theoretical and practical value.


epidemic, Chinese and western, life values, comparative analysis

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Psychology Research, May 2023, Vol. 13, No. 5, 217-222


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