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National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has significantly altered the pattern of alliances and geopolitical balances on the European continent to such an extent that countries like Finland and Sweden that have traditionally remained neutral are now applying to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). These two countries fear that Russia, which is currently trying to reposition itself, could try in the near future to invade these two Nordic countries to prevent the West (European Union, United Kingdom, and United States) from increasing its military presence and its military force in the Scandinavian peninsula and in the Baltic Sea. The enlargement that the European Union (EU) has carried out since the 1990s, and that has also meant the expansion of NATO, has been viewed with great concern by the government of Vladimir Putin, who considers that the United States and the European Union did not fulfill their commitment to former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev to respect the sphere of influence of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Within the framework of this geopolitical confrontation, Helsinki and Stockholm do not want to run the risk of being invaded by the Russian army, which is why they seek to take advantage of the principle of collective security that NATO membership would grant them.


Geopolitical alliances and balances, West vs. Russia, Finland, Sweden, NATO expansion, areas of influence, collective security, national security

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Eduardo Alfonso Rosales Herrera. (2023). Geopolitical Analysis of the Entry of Finland and Sweden to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). International Relations and Diplomacy, Jan.-Feb. 2023, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1-23.


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