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Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China


Over recent years, our society has plunged into the phenomenon of “neijuan” (in English “involution”, a kind of meaningless competition). And it even becomes a social dilemma that many people are forced to make more efforts to compete for limited social resources. This phenomenon has, of course, attracted the attention of many researchers. There are many researches about “neijuan” varying from its popularity reasons and its trend to its application, but there is very little research about the cultural differences between China and the West behind this phenomenon. Therefore, based on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, this paper analyses the different manifestations of “neijuan” in China and the West and explores the cultural differences between the two.


neijuan, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, cultural differences

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Journal of Literature and Art Studies, February 2023, Vol. 13, No. 2, 104-109


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