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University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China


The user manual is very important for products. Users must refer to the user manual if they want complete access to and expert use of a product. Excellent products from different nations have the chance to circulate around the world in the framework of economic globalization. Due to language barriers, the translation of user manuals is becoming increasingly important. This paper covers the translation of instrument user manuals under the guidance of Skopos Theory, which is credited to functionalist translation theory. It begins by analyzing the user manual’s textual features. Then it proposes specific translation strategies at the vocabulary and sentence levels to overcome the difficulties in translation. It is hoped that this paper will provide a reference for translators in the same field, and improve the professionalism and readability of instrument user manual translation.


user manual translation, Skopos Theory, term determination, passive voice

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US-China Foreign Language, February 2023, Vol. 21, No. 2, 75-80 doi:10.17265/1539-8080/2023.02.007


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