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Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA


Recently, social enterprises have been recognized for their synergistic relationship with sustainable development. Despite the increasing attention of academics and policy makers on social enterprise, most published literature is theoretical and conceptual. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to empirically examine the social and environmental sustainability practices of the selected social enterprise Fashion for Good and their impacts on global change and, further, to explore their contributions to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). A qualitative method was adopted using document analysis and in-depth interview techniques. Circular economy and the UN SDGs were employed as conceptual frameworks. Fashion for Good facilitates collaboration between brands and innovative tech companies by offering an Innovation Platform that encourages brands to implement sustainable technologies, leading to systemic change in the fashion supply chain. The findings revealed that Fashion for Good’s social sustainability program consists of the Innovation Platform, including the Accelerator Program, the Scaling Program, and the Good Fashion Fund, and the Global Expansion Program. Its environmental sustainability program includes the Sustainable Museum. This study expands our knowledge of how a social enterprise creates value in businesses aligned to the circular economy and makes impacts on global social and environmental changes. Additionally, it provides academics and practitioners with insights on how a social enterprise strategically achieves its mission and, further, contributes to the UN SDGs.


circular economy, environmental sustainability, innovation platform, social enterprise, social sustainability, technology, fashion industry, UN Sustainable Development Goals

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