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Department of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China


With the promulgation of the “National Quality Standards for Undergraduate Teaching of Foreign Languages and Literatures in General Institutions of Higher Education” and “Teaching Guidelines” in 2018, the humanistic attributes of English majors and the important position of literature in foreign language learning are emphasized. Nowadays, the English literature curriculum is facing the problems of marginalization, reduction of class hours, simplification of curriculum and so on. Then in the context of the new liberal arts, it provides a new way to break through the dilemma of the literature curriculum. The study has collected the use of teaching materials of British and American literature courses in some colleges and universities across the country. Based on the survey results, the compilation of teaching materials in the new era should consider how to adapt to students’ deep learning, autonomous learning, cross learning and research-based learning to provide guidance and support. The diversity of learning requires us to break the monotony of textbook compilation, show diversity and complement each other.


new liberal arts, compilation of textbooks, English literature

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Journal of Literature and Art Studies, November 2022, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1197-1202


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