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School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China


Hector Hugo Munro (best known by his pen name Saki) is generally categorized as a master of short story who wrote witty and occasionally macabre stories that satirized hypocrisies and pretensions of Edwardian British society. However, one of the most prominent features of his short stories is that they are imbued with various animal characters, and his central positioning of the animal characters provides us a new perspective to interpret the relationship between animals and human beings. In Deleuze (and Guatari)’s philosophical thoughts and literary criticism, Becoming is of great importance. In Saki’s short story Serdni Vashtar, through Becoming-animal, the protagonist Conradin designed a beautiful line of flight and achieved his deterritorialization. Through his deterritorialization, he succeeded in getting rid of his cousin’s control and enhancing his molecular power to fight against the molar power of his cousin. Thus, the aim of this paper is to analyze the reasons and potential powers of Conradin’s becoming-animal, uncover the significance of Becoming in the current post-humanist context and explore a new form of relationship between human beings and animals from the perspective of Becoming-animal.


Becoming-animal, line of flight, deterritorialization, molecular forces

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Journal of Literature and Art Studies, November 2022, Vol. 12, No. 11, 1133-1137


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