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Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China


The noumenon function of education is an important topic in the basic theoretical research of education, which refers to the most basic and fundamental value and role of education itself on the subject. Driven by many modern western philosophical schools, especially the development of philosophy of life and other thoughts, the core connotation of the function of education noumenon has changed, and has gradually been humanistic-oriented, that is, from focusing on knowledge to respecting life. This fundamental change in the basic values and positions of education has also directly affected a series of education and teaching concepts from the grass-roots level, promoting education from cognition to aesthetics, from common thinking to empathy, and the pursuit of quality orientation. Its specific proposition is that the ontological function of education is to “let life surpass life”, promote people’s freedom and self-understanding, so as to achieve the extensibility, creativity, and experience of life.


life, the ontological function of education, ductility, creativity, experiential

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ZHU Ruoyu. (2022). The Ontological Function of Education: Respect for Life. US-China Education Review A, Sep.-Oct. 2022, Vol. 12, No. 5, 174-178.


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