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East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China


China is one of the world’s major exporters of fruit and vegetable products, and the expansion of fruit and vegetable exports is important for increasing agricultural income. Based on time-varying stochastic frontier gravity model and trade inefficiency model, this paper empirically analyzes the influencing factors and trade efficiency of China’s fruit and vegetable products export to RCEP partners from 2001 to 2019. The results show that China’s GDP per capita, the population of importing countries, and common language conditions have positive effects on China’s fruit and vegetable products export to RCEP partners. GDP per capita of importing countries, the population of China, and geographical distance between trading parties hinder trade in fruit and vegetable products. The presence of trade inefficiencies constrains China’s fruit and vegetable products export to RCEP partners, with liner shipping connectivity and trade freedom having a positive relationship with export efficiency of fruit and vegetable products. Variable trade costs and fixed trade costs have a negative relationship with export efficiency of fruit and vegetable products, which hinder trade in fruit and vegetable products,while financial freedom and free trade agreements have no significant impact on export efficiency of fruit and vegetable products.


RCEP, China’s fruit and vegetable products export, trade potential, stochastic frontier gravity model

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