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Yunnan University, Kunming, China


The big progresses in astronomy and universe are all related to important philosophy of science. Based on general relativity, we discuss some progresses: binary stars and their form, negative matter, and inflation, etc. Then we propose three predictions of gravitational waves: their observations must be nonlinear waves; velocity of gravitational wave should be slightly higher than the velocity of light; gravitational waves in black holes may emit and be observed. The directed gravitational wave observatories for high-energy astrophysics are proposed.


philosophy of science, general relativity, gravitational wave, binary stars, black hole, negative matter

Cite this paper

Yi-Fang Chang. (2022). Some Progresses in Astronomy, and Three Predictions of Gravitational Wave. Philosophy Study, April 2022, Vol. 12, No. 4, 181-184.


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