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University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture, Via della Ghiara 36, 44121 Ferrara, Italy


The deep connection between Design and Innovation has its origin from the meaning and from the interpretation of these two terms. This is more significant if we apply a cross-disciplinary point of view to read the contemporary scenario where processes related to product design innovation are developed. Design is not only what teachers and professionals intend about it: it is very important, at the same time, the meaning of design for the “outside world”, for users, customers, buyers, … According to its positive perception, society and economy now confers the Design discipline a leading role, but it can reasonably be expected that, at the same speed of its development, the importance of Design could one day start to decrease. The methodology used in the present article is an etymological analysis, associated with a lecture of what experts mean about Design and Innovation. A case study and the didactical experience of the author supported the conclusion.


Design, innovation, project, cross-disciplinary.

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