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Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia


Microbial contamination and bacteria growth in the cementing makup water impact cementing operation and integrity. To avoid the premature cement setting caused by microbial growth, the water is usually treated with biocides for microbial control before mixing. This treatment will also prevent biodegradation of the added polymers and stabilize the slurry rheological properties. Make-up water and cementing mix samples were collected from active drilling rigs in the field. In 12 hours biocide addition program, the tested biocide at 50, 100, 250, and 500 ppm for cementing operations revealed acceptable control of both GAB and SRB numbers in one Field, but not in another Field. In 24 hours biocide addition program, revealed varying levels for control microbial contamination in cementing operations, with higher efficiency with Field B samples opposed to field A, and with better control at higher concentrations of tested biocide at 250, and 500 ppm. As a recommendation therefore, usage of another biocide with a different chemistry at Field A is encouraged once a new biocide is selected.


Cementing operations, microbial contamination, mitigaiton.

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