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University of Calabria, Rende, Italy


Is there a national philosophy? It is hard to answer the question definitively, beyond mainstream philosophical currents and a supposed particular tradition. Beyond an invisible boundary, today, academic research is also defined by its international and interdisciplinary dimension. Although it is possible to argue about certain specificities, the interaction between different national traditions and distant scientific areas can be fruitful (and these parameters are also required in the case of research funding). One can take an example of the reception of Michael Polanyi’s epistemology in Italy, starting from a brief reference to the Italian tradition and its renewed interest thanks to the Italian Thought. Therefore, in this paper, I will try to consider Polanyi’s epistemology through his relations with Italian intellectuals and the dissemination of his writings in Italy. In the end, I will verify the potential contribution of Polanyian personal epistemology in three philosophical and social issues addressed in Italy.


Italian thought, tacit knowledge, Michael Polanyi, personal knowledge

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Giusy Gallo. (2021). Insights From the Philosophical Reception of Michael Polanyi in Italy. Philosophy Study, November 2021, Vol. 11, No. 11, 826-834.


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