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University of Florence, Florence, Italy


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a tripartite blanket of disease/containment/return to normality has crystallized around the virus. But is it possible to grasp the frayed shirt of this blanket and gradually try to undo it? This is the attempt that this contribution makes. And that, drawing on a toolbox made up of the reflections, in this case converging between them, of Michel Serres and the posthuman on the dynamics inventive of new homination horizons, which the virus, beyond the contingency of its pathogenicity, as a hopeful monster parasite, can trigger.


virus, parasite, hopeful monster, Michel Serres, posthuman

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Orsola Rignani. (2021). The Virus in Serresian-Posthumanist Sauce: A Hopeful Monster Parasite. Philosophy Study, November 2021, Vol. 11, No. 11, 820-825.


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