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Faculty of Business Economics and Law, Bar, Montenegro
Faculty of Business Economics and Law, Bar, Montenegro


Sustainable tourism represents a form of tourism which generates and creates economic benefits for the local community and at the same time takes care of the local ecosystem as well as the culture and customs of the local community. This form of tourism is mostly convenient for rural areas which have contained their natural and socio-cultural uniqueness. Unfortunately, the potentials of Montenegro for developing this form of tourism are slightly or almost hardly exploited. A crucial limiting factor for developing ecotourism is a lack of an overall strategy which would stimulate and enhance the development of many potential tourist destinations which did not valorise their tourists during the development of ecotourism, as well as those tourist destinations which did so but in an improper and insufficient way. The aim of this paper is to point out the state and possibilities for   developing ecotourism based on sustainable tourism in selected areas along the Montenegrin Coast and to emphasise guidelines for sustainable development of these areas in the future. This is why an empirical research has been conducted based on the method of semi-structured interviews. By developing ecotourism and managing resources in accordance with sustainable development of this area, a high quality tourist product could be offered to the market.


sustainable tourism, ecotourism, possibilities of development

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