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Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program in Architecture and Urbanism, Meridional College—IMED, Passo Fundo/RS 99010-150, Brazil


This paper aims to discuss the concept of reuse as a preservation practice for historic buildings. One of the inherent characteristics of architecture is use. It is among the necessary conditions for its preservation. Thus, considering cultural assets and the architectural heritage of different historical moments, currently recognized as depository of artistic, social and memory values, worthy of being preserved, the issue of reuse assumes relationships that go beyond pragmatic aspects to become a cultural matter. To this end, it can be observed the debate about the reuse of heritage buildings has been gaining prominence in the academic and technical sphere of construction. In May 2018, the 5th International Forum on Architectural Heritage Brazil-Portugal (FIPA) took place in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This event had as a study dimension the reuse while a preservationist practice. That is why the methodology used to structure this text is bibliometrics, in other words, this study was based on papers presented at the event in direct dialogue with the concept under analysis. In this context, it is observed the attribution of a new use, compatible with the characteristics of pre-existing structures, which becomes an important preservation tool.


Preservationist practices, reuse, historic buildings.

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 15 (2021) 488-495 doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2021.09.005


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