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Hellenic Air Force Academy, Dekeleia, Greece


Group dynamics is applied not only in the professional life but also in the educational framework becoming one of the tools of group therapy aiming at reducing conflicts and tensions. Under this perspective it would be interesting to study the dynamic exchanges that take place within the interrelations of the facilitator with his target group aiming at further exploiting the cognitive and affective resources of the participants in order to manage their potential more effectively and to accompany them in any training situation. From an actional perspective the adoption of collaborative tasks promotes cooperation and problem solving in a mentoring context, where the members invest in the realization of a meaningful action project in order to implement creative tasks and cultivate transversal skills using digital technology.


dynamic exchanges, co-acting, creative potential, cross-cutting skills, mentoring

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Journal of Literature and Art Studies, October 2021, Vol. 11, No. 10, 787-793


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