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Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China


Different from the classic “Red Riding Hood” story, the girl in The Company of Wolves gives us a new image of how a woman is like in a patriarchal society. Carter’s portrayal of this girl withdraws from gender roles and cultural impressions in traditional works of literature and puts forward new ideas of sexuality, empowerment of women, and virginity. This essay intends to discuss that on the one hand, women can use their bodies as weapons against imbalanced power. On the other hand, Carter describes women’s desire for sex and love through body writing to show their awareness of sexual liberation and to break the male-dominated vision of gender and sexuality so that female gender subjectivity is rebuilt.


The Company of Wolves, body writing, gender subjectivity

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Journal of Literature and Art Studies, October 2021, Vol. 11, No. 10, 747-750


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