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Concordia University, Montreal, Canada


In order to get a better understanding of supply chain visibility for creating strategic value, this paper uses a dynamic capability lens to reveal the nature of supply chain visibility. This paper identifies the importance of supply chain visibility in driving supply chain reconfigurability and consequently improving supply chain strategic performance. Empirical evidence shows that visibility has direct impact on supply chain strategic performance. It also supports that visibility is important for enhancing supply chain reconfigurability, thus creating strategic value in supply chains. Supply chain visibility therefore enables firms to reconfigure their supply chain resources for better competitive advantage. From the perspective of practitioners, the results display several insights into how managers should create strategic value from supply chain visibility. Prominently, managers or decision makers need to take advantage of supply chain visibility in order to use and recombine resources in value creation manner.


supply chain visibility, strategic performancer, competitive advantage, resource mobilization, information system

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Economics World, July-Sep. 2021, Vol. 9, No. 3, 105-113 doi: 10.17265/2328-7144/2021.03.001


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