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1. FundaçãoLiberato - DPPI - RuaInconfidentes, 395, Bairro Primavera, Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
2. UNISINOS, EngenhariaMecânica, Brazil


This study consists in the investigation of the application of ornamental rock tailings applied in remineralization in the Brazilian soil through the rocking technique. Due to the Brazilian dependence on the importation of agricultural inputs, the use of the method aims beyond improving the physical and chemical properties of the soil, supplying the demand for such data, and in return to give an adequate end to pollutant tailings. The tailings have chemical characteristics that are of great importance for soil composition.  The methodology employed was divided into three stages, the first one was the physicochemical characterization of the rock dust, followed by the characterization of the soil experimented and the cultivation of the plant species Phaseolus Vulgari. The results obtained so far showed favorable results since the characteristics obtained through the physicochemical analyses were compatible with those suitable for the soil, after the application of the powder, which had its high pH and which proved that the tailings corrected the soil acidity of the sample in question, placing it at an ideal level for the cultivation of new species.


Ornamental rocks, agriculture, soil, remineralization.

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