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College of Maritime Transport & Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt


The effective search and rescue service needs extraordinary readiness and co-operation between all available resources including volunteer’s efforts. Therefore, one may find some countries’ coasts apply the service while the coasts of other countries do not have such a service. The degree of significance in this vital aspect of the maritime transport industry among those countries-varies.The efforts of volunteers should be collected in a formal organization that incorporates volunteers into its programs. It helps build organizational strength and that strength comes from growing and retaining members and enhancing organization programs. Organizational structure helps in putting the right volunteer on the right job which can be done by selecting people according to their qualifications, skills, andexperience.The context of the components of the volunteer maritime search and rescue system helps the organization address its weaknesses and strengthen its strengths, to capture the largest number ofpossible opportunities, avoiding threats, and improving its performance to ensure its survival and continuity.


Search and rescue, volunteers,weaknesses,opportunities,threats, SWOT analysis.

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