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Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China


Famous teachers are representatives of the teaching practice level in their era, and their unique teaching style affects the future of countless students. Review the history, the researches on the teaching style of famous teachers in China have made some achievements in both the basic theories and the practical application; research themes are polyphic development; the characteristics, formation process, formation mechanism, comparative researches, and cultivation strategies of the teaching style of famous teachers have been fully discussed. However, there are still some problems, such as insufficient responses to “Internet + Education”, narrow research subjects, single research methods and insufficient inheritance and references need to be solved. Looking into the future, we need to actively respond to the requirements of the times of “Internet + Education”, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, enrich the research perspectives, actively criticize and draw on the excellent research results of foreign countries, and constantly promote the development of the researches on the teaching style of famous teachers in China.


famous teacher, teaching style, review and prospect

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