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California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA


Millennials have a high spending power toward travel and therefore, the boutique budget hotel sector has been rapidly developing to attract this target market. However, there is not much information on what Millennials find important in service quality at these hotels, due to which it is pertinent for hoteliers to research and understand their behavior to cater to them accordingly. Therefore, this research investigates which service quality attributes Millennials find the most important in boutique budget hotels. This exploratory study reviews past literature and issuing questionnaire surveys for Millennials. This study explores the service quality dimensions within boutique budget hotels and how the dimensions further influence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The results obtained from the exploratory factor analysis revealed five dimensions of service quality, namely, hotel experience, staff experience, device experience, visual appeal perception, and wireless connection. Multiple regression analysis was also applied and showed that these five dimensions had a statistically significant positive influence on customer satisfaction and customer loyal.


service quality, Millennials, boutique budget hotels, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty

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Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Nov.-Dec. 2020, Vol. 8, No. 6, 251-271 doi: 10.17265/2328-2169/2020.06.003


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