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1. Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al al Bayt University, P.O. Box 130040, Mafraq 25113, Jordan
2. Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University, Amman 11134, Jordan


There is increase in the issues related to noise pollution due to their negative impacts on the individual. The ability of materials to absorb noise creates future problems for the building and for the residents; although, temporary presence of construction noise holds minor importance for some projects. The study aims to assess the role of materials and labour allocation in cost-effective soundproof house construction projects. The efficiency of synthetic foam, polyurethane and cellular materials was explored in providing insulation in multiple construction projects. Various soundproofing solutions such as rubber, gypsum, homasote, plywood and natural fibres were discussed in the light of cost-effectivity. Soundproofing can be guaranteed by using environmentally-friendly, natural, degradable and recycled products in the construction industry. The study helped in highlighting the materials that can help in building soundproof construction projects. The results indicated the need for applying modern, synthetic, cost-effective and green sound-absorbing systems in construction projects. The safety along with minimal maintenance and longevity of the completed construction projects is maintained by advancements in technological efficiency of building materials. The adaptation of Western construction technologies will ensure success in building construction projects as modern building materials play a significant role in building of sound proof construction buildings.


Labor allocation, cost-effective, soundproofing, construction projects.

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