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Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain


After a separation or divorce, it is often difficult to manage family conflict and the most harmed are usually children. The high-intensity parental conflict, which arises after the breakdown of marriage, must be resolved in the interests of minors. Parents need to exercise positive parenting and learn to manage the new parental relationship, even in these situations. They can be helped by the parent coordinator, who will act as a true family mediator, to guide them in the management of the conflict and the development of a contradictory plan, always concerned for the well-being of minors. If the solution is the coordination of parenting, as the pilot experiences of the different Autonomous Communities of Spain have already shown us, we must not forget that specific regulation of this figure is necessary in the Spanish legal order. The Spanish Civil Code must not only recognize the Judge’s ability to appoint a parent coordinator, but would also have to determine their roles and intervention in the process, as the parent coordinator has demonstrated great benefits for families with high family conflict.


parental conflict, parenting coordinator, divorce, conflict management, positive parenting, marital breakdown, separation

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