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Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Baku, Azerbaijan


The chosen study mainly concerns on the migration issue, which has become a phenomenon in the European Union’s political economy in the contemporary era, within the recent years, which identifies the role of migrants in Azerbaijani labor market and other areas of economic integration involving the current trends, challenges, and perspectives in the political or socio-economic fields. The long-brewing Civil War in Syria created a large-scale trajectory of migrants, resulting in a massive influx of refugees from Turkey to Greece and then to Germany. Recently, the issue of migration is now transforming into a phenomenon among the member states of the European Union prompting them to take immediate action and make crucial decisions in the country’s political economy. As a result, modern migration can play a pivotal role both for the EU and for Azerbaijan in the direction of flow of people, capital and services, remittances, improving socio-economic well-being and the cheap labor force in the international labor market. The key criterion of the study is to identify specific ways in which persons or migrants who are involved in the migration process can be able to also contribute to the sustainable economic development of the region by positively influencing IDPs on the local population, labor market activities, and overall political and economic activity. The main idea behind the research is to investigate the economic integration of immigrants in Azerbaijan through its original theoretical and empirical study of migration that plays an important role in the EU’s political economy. The research aims to better regulate labor migration processes in Azerbaijan with the help of the European Union and to optimize the impact on labor productivity in the country by providing economic integration of migrants in the local labor market. The main focus of this study is to identify the role of the European Union in the economic integration of immigrants in Azerbaijan, the legal migration and migration process, based on the Joint Declaration on Resettlement Partnership launched between the EU and Azerbaijan.


European Union, Azerbaijan, labor migration, immigrants, political economy, local labor market

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