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Nanchang Normal University, Nanchang City, Jiangxi, 330032, China


Professional certification for students of educational majors provides a crucial guideline for the cultivation of teachers. The cornerstone of development for local normal universities is to uphold the characteristics of teacher education and highlight the history and tradition of teacher education, because the level of teacher vocational skills of students in normal universities has a direct impact on faculty strength of basic education. Consequently, based on an analysis of necessity and feasibility of teacher vocational skill training for students in normal universities amid the professional certification for students of educational majors in a new era, four approaches are proposed in this article as follows: (1) upholding the characteristics of cultivation of students of educational majors while optimizing curriculum planning; (2) innovating training methods for better guiding capacity; (3) coordinating training management for guaranteed education quality; (4) improving performance evaluation mechanism for a training path towards an assessment system.


professional certification, students of educational majors, vocational skills

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