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University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China


This paper selects Professor Hu Gengshen’s eco-translatology as the theoretical guidance to explore how linguistic-dimensional transformation, cultural-dimensional transformation, and communicative-dimensional transformation are realized in the English version of Recalling Dashan. As narrative prose, Recalling Dashan records the friendship between Xi Jinping and Jia Dashan who is a local writer from Hebei Province. The words and sentences in this essay are full of sincerity and genuine. The translation of narrative prose is a difficult part of literary translation. Eco-translatology can be interpreted as translation studies from the perspective of ecology or an ecological approach to translation studies. As an interdisciplinary theory of ecology and translatology, eco-translatology has opened a new perspective in translation research. The translator solves the problems in translation with the three-dimensional transformation method based on the eco-translatology theory; the higher degree of three-dimensional integration may guarantee better translation quality. The English version of Recalling Dashan is chosen as the research object of this paper, which not only plays a guiding role for the translation of texts enjoying the same types, but also provides some references for the application and research of eco-translatology.


eco-translatology, three-dimensional transformation, narrative prose

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