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RANEPA, Moscow, Russia


This paper investigates a core role of Human Resource Management (HRM) humanization for successful digital transformation in digital economy. The term “humanization” is applied to an iterative method of human relation development for human resources satisfaction and high results of organizational performance. The author summarized the peculiarities of digitalization in Russian companies in the context of the Russian labor market trends. The paper focuses on factors that determine human potential utilization and development in modern condition. The author grounded linkage between HRM humanization and digital transformation projects effect by three examples of Russian companies. The results let us conclude importance of HRM humanization and define core problems and directions in Russian context.


humanization, Human Resource Management (HRM), digital economy, knowledge economy, digital transformation, soft management, labor market

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Economics World, Mar.-Apr. 2019, Vol.6, No.2, 67-74 doi: 10.17265/2328-7144/2019.02.002


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