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Development of a Low-Cost Weather Station to Measure in Situ Essential Climate Variables
Jose I. Rojas, Silvia D. Gilete and Jordi Mazon
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A weather station is proposed especially designed for developing countries, and to meet the standards of the international scientific community making research on the earth system. The station would measure in situ several ECV (essential climate variables). These data may enable an agricultural breakthrough in countries lacking meteorological infrastructure, help in climate change monitoring, and facilitate diffusion of wind energy. A pre-feasibility analysis is presented. It appears interesting that the station is supplied by a social enterprise. A research to establish the best shelter design using computational fluid dynamics is also reported. The criterion is the accuracy with which the surface air temperature is reproduced inside the shelter. A design following recommendations by the WMO (World Meteorological Organization), a smaller design with identical geometry, and two alternative small designs are analyzed. All four designs are simulated in PVC, natural rubber and wood, with and without white paint coating. The smaller shelters perform better. The influence of the material, dimensions and design is smaller than that of the white paint. Shelters made of PVC or rubber, and/or in alternative designs, may be more interesting if other criteria are considered, like whether logistics, manufacturing, etc. are more sustainable, easier and/or cheaper.
Meteorological station, essential climate variable, CFD (computational fluid dynamics), thermal analysis, temperature