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Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France


The author will present work on the central role of two virtual human constructs of man’s nervous system and brain confronted to their real environment, both natural and social. These two constructs, the mind and language, are the results of the development of the general pattern-capturing potential of the brain’s architecture. The mind and language develop simultaneously, reciprocally and in close coordination transforming the pattern-capturing potential of the brain into the mental and linguistic conceptualizing power of men/women. It comes in six stages: sense; perceive; discriminate/recognize patterns; experiment; speculate; and conceptualize. Long before birth, a child is bombarded with physiological and verbal communication to which he/she cannot respond verbally. As soon as born, he/she is cast into a communicational situation crucial for his/her survival: call―respond―feed―nurture―speak. That produces the development of Henceforth, a fourfold personality (Lacan’s Square). A phylogenic and psychogenetic approach of the connected pair mind/language captures this cognitive conceptualizing power, using the architecture of the highly parallel, hierarchical, and pattern-discriminating brain. This leads to a cognitive procedure: Bertrand Russel for the first three steps and Lev Vygotsky (Jean Piaget) for the last three steps. Language is the first and main tool of this procedure that starts yet for the child in pure action. The Internet and artificial intelligence (AI) minimize authority/other. Are social networks the new anti-social, anonymous, uncatchable killers of cognition, or supreme absolute cognition and total freedom of expression? Can a processing framework guarantee true cognition or at least as little false cognition as possible?


communicational situation, mind/language, conceptualization, cognition, education, Internet, artificial intelligence (AI), womb-memory

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