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University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy


This study focuses on the correlation between sociology and complexity and it operates a reflection on the deep epistemological and ontological meaning of complexity, revealing how complexity goes beyond the analysis of the global society and is linked to sociology itself and to the issue of its scientific trait. The study shows how complexity, rediscovered following the globalization processes, reconnects sociology with its own origins and concerns the issue of the relation of sociological science with its own object, that is to say, society and social order. In a more radical manner, the challenge of complexity is intertwined with the road of revisiting modern science and epistemological identifying among “order”, “intelligibility”, and “science”. In such a vision, complexity, not only reconnects sociology to its object, but highlights how those traits considered as non-scientific residue of human and social sciences belong to the fundamental issue of scientific knowledge. The challenge of complexity is outlined, as questioning the idea according to which the “modern" science depletes the “scientific vision of the world”.


Sociology, global society, complexity, unitas multiplex, sociology beyond societies

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Sociology Study, July 2017, Vol. 7, No. 7, 376-387


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