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The right to information is one of the most important components of civil rights. Information concerning the law is of special importance. It allows to protect the rights of citizens. The lack of information on the civil rights or barrier to get it leads to the inability to use them when needed and at worst to their violations. Poland, undergoing crucial political, economic and social (generally successful) transformation over the last 3 decades represents an interesting case to analyse. Its legal system has been changed considerably resulting from the shift from central planning to market economy system, fast economic growth as well as accession to EU. It resulted in many inevitable changes in the Polish law concerning also civil rights including the ways to access information on the law. The author presents the court system in Poland and explains why their rather complicated division and competence makes it difficult to identify the competent one. Then the author analyses the ways of obtaining information on the content of the law in Poland and entities that deal with providing them. The legal support in Poland could be divided into general and personal, precourt and court one. Generally, legal support is given by advocates (barristers) or legal advisors. In some court cases legal support could be given by other professionals, for example, tax councellors. These professionals’ advices are paid. There is a problem for those people in Poland, whose financial status is so bad they cannot afford for professional legal advice. Lack of knowledge on the rights often causes pushing citizens on the margins of society, generates unnecessary costs or lack of income and results in different, negative social effects. Poland currently places a strong emphasis on information about people rights. There are many ways to obtain information about various types of rights, it is possible to get it at many levels and in many aspects. However, despite the many efforts of the government and non-governmental organizations in this field, there is still much to do, still not everyone in need of legal information are aware of the many ways to get information on the law.


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