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Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Goias (IFG-câmpus Valparaíso), Valparaiso of Goias, Brazil; University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, Brazil


The role of attention and the effects of potential conscious in L2 reading textual input have been a significant factor accounting for English as a Second Language Acquisition. This is a master thesis study whose three purposes were (1) to explore the central role of noticing to personal pronouns in a learner’s L2 reading textual input in English; (2) to verify the effect of formal and planned instruction; and (3) to identify levels of awareness in acquisition of personal pronouns. Fifty Brazilian learners with basic level of English as an L2 were attended this experimental study. Data were collected through two different groups—control group (without instruction) and experimental group (with instruction), four phases (a pre-test, an explicit instructional phase, an immediate post-test, and a delayed pos-test phase), and three versions of written protocols (crossword puzzle, multiple-choice recognition test, and fill-in-the-blank written production test) simultaneously conducting verbalized thoughts aloud protocols. This study found that both groups had better use of the grammatical accuracy. The experimental group showed partial superior results during the reading of textual input in English as an L2 language. Also, the results showed positive correlations between the levels of metalinguistic awareness of learners.


attention and awareness, form-focused instruction, L2 readind textual input, personal pronouns

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Assunção Costa, N. M. (2013). Atenção, consciência, instrução e leitura de input textual em L2: um estudo com os pronomes pessoais (Attention, awareness, instruction, and L2 reading textual input: A personal pronouns study) (M.A. thesis, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada, Universidade de Brasília). Retrieved from
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