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The period of Akbar‟s rule (1556-1605) has been regarded as one of the most significant and incomparable periods in Indian history in particular regarding with Hindu Muslim interaction. Indeed, Akbar‟s success stemmed from his religious policy that based on Sulh-i Kul (universal peace and harmony) between all his subjects regardless with their social, ethical or religious identities. His religious policy was not a sudden event, rather emerged from in the course of time depending on different internal and external factors. The final stage of Akbar‟s religious policy, the Din-i Ilahi (Religion of God), was a syncretic religious movement propounded by him in 1582 A.D., was one of the most substantial dimensions of mutual interaction and relationship between Hinduism and Islam. The primary aim of this paper, therefore, is to examine the factors influencing Akbar‟s religious policy and to analyze critically Akbar‟s Din-i Ilahi by dealing with its basic features and virtues which more or less shaped his attitudes towards other religious and social groups.


Akbar, religious policy, Din-i Ilahi, Hindu-Muslim Interaction, the Medieval India

Cite this paper

Kutlutürk, C. (2016). A critical analysis of Akbar‟s religious policy: Din-i Ilahi. International Relations and Diplomacy, 4(6), 407-417.


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