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Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Bahia, Brazil


When considering indigenous people in Brazil, both in academic and non-academic settings, the individuals’ names are almost always ignored for the sake of representing their collectivity as communities, as Peoples. Discussing autobiographies or indigenous biographies is still an uncommon endeavor, even in our field of Letters/Liberal Arts or in Indigenous Ethnology. However, since the beginning of the process of reclaiming the lands that once belonged to them, the indigenous Peoples have been producing autobiographical narratives, demonstrating how this genre of text production—traditionally linked to the development of the Western individual—can constitute and be appropriated in different Amerindian translations. It is from this perspective that I intend to present a discussion about those text productions, analyzing what their collective signatures express, and how their proper names are constructed and signified on behalf of the group. 


indigenous people, autobiography, memory, identity

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