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Robust Design Method for Adjustable Mechanisms
Takeo Kato and Masatoshi Muramatsu
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Most conventional robust design methods assume design solutions are fixed values. Using these methods, designers set each control factor to a fixed value to maximize the robustness of objective characteristics. However, fluctuations in the objective characteristic often exceed the allowable range in a design problem. Consequently, it is difficult to obtain sufficient robustness using conventional methods. This research defines adjustable control factors whose values can be adjusted within a given range to increase robustness and proposes a method to calculate robustness, including factors to adjust the objective characteristic and derive optimum ranges of the factors. The robustness index, which indicates the feasibility that the objective characteristic values are within the tolerance by the adjustment, is calculated by the Monte Carlo method, while the range of adjustable control factors is optimized using the Vector evaluated particle swarm optimization. Finally, an engineering example is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method.
Robust design, design theory and methodology, seat design, particle swarm optimization
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